Wednesday, March 11, 2009


When comets break up, smaller comets and sungrazers are formed. As these approach the sun, they break into smaller fragments before colliding into it. Sungrazers are classified into families and the largest is the Kreutz family, with over 500 sungrazers. It was discovered by Heinrich Kreutz, a 19thcentury German astronomer who found that some sungrazers came from a larger comet that broke up 12,000 years ago.

"similia similibus curantur" ?

‘Similia similibus curantur’ is a phrase coined by Dr Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homoeopathy. Nearly 180 years ago, he did an experiment with a drug decoction made from the bark of the chincona tree, known for its curative properties in the treatment of malaria. He drank the decoction, though he was healthy, and developed the symptoms of malaria. This made him believe that a drug which possesses the property of curing an ailment can create symptoms of the disease in a healthy person who takes the drug in large doses.

Jack of all trades means

‘Jack of all trades, master of none’ is a figure of speech used with reference to a person who is competent with many skills but is not outstanding in any particular one. The phrase was in common use during the 1600s and was used as a term of praise. ‘Jack’ in those days was a generic term for ‘man'. Later, the ‘master of none’ was added and the expression ceased to be flattering.

Zodiac signs named after Animals

The term ‘zodiac’ stands for animals. However, all zodiac signs do not represent animals, like Libra is represented by a balance. Astrologically and astronomically, zodiac signs are representative of various pattern formed by stars. Ancient astronomers had named each zodiac by the shape formed by a few important and bright stars resembling the shape of animals, located in that section of the sky.

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