Thursday, January 10, 2008

February have 28 days, and July and August, 31 days...

According to a popular legend, July was named after Julius Caesar and hence it had 31 days. Later, when Augustus Caesar took over the Roman Empire, he wanted August, the month named after him, to have 31 days as well. Hence, the two extra days were taken from February, which was then left with 28 days. However, some historians don’t agree with this reasoning. They believe February always had 28 days ever since the time of King Numa Pompilius. He decided that a year would have 355 days, the length of 12 lunar cycles. Back then, even numbers were considered unlucky. So, he created seven months with 29 days, and four with 31. Since he now needed one short even-numbered month, he chose February, as it was considered the least favourite month for it arrived during the middle of winter. And hence, it was given only 28 days.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Hindi India’s national language..

Neither the Constitution nor the laws of India accord the status of national language to any language in India. Indian law states that no language will be made the national language unless and until all the constituent states of the Union of India accept it. Of the 28 states and seven Union Territories, only ten states and three Union Territories have Hindi as the principal official language. However, Article 343 of the Indian Constitution states that the official language of the Union (India) shall be Hindi in Devanagari script.

E-R diagram

The E-R diagram (entity-relation) is a diagrammatical representation of a data model based on a perception of the real world that consists of a collection of basic objects called entities and of relationships among these objects. It is widely used in database design. The E/R diagram was introduced by P P Chen. An entity is a tangible object that exists in the real world, about which some relevant information may be stored. The qualities of an entity which can be stored as information are called the attributes. For example, if teacher is an entity then the teacher’s ID, name, etc. are all its attributes. An association among several entities is called a relationship.

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