Sunday, August 26, 2007

Do dogs have colour vision?

Yes. However, their colour vision differs from human beings, since dogs are said to have dichromatic vision, which means they can see only part of the range of colours in the visual spectrum of light wavelengths. Humans have trichromatic vision, meaning they can see the whole spectrum. Dogs probably lack the ability to see the range of colours from green to red. This means that they primarily see in shades of yellow and blue.

Is there any scientific proof to confirm the concept of rebirth?

Reincarnation holds the notion that some essential part of a living being (or sometimes, only humans) can survive death in some form, with its integrity partly or wholly retained, to be reborn in a new body. This is often referred to as the spirit or soul. In such beliefs, a new personality is developed during each life, based on past integrated experience and new acquired experiences, but some part of the being remains constantly present through successive lives. Many persons have claimed to record memories of past lives. Dr Ian Stevenson has researched the subject extensively but it hasn’t been proven scientifically.

First Santa Congress was held in......

The first Santa Congress started 50 years ago in 1957, when one of the performers at Bakken had a Christmas party in the middle of summer. Santas from all over the world gather in Denmark every year to discuss important matters such as when to hold Christmas and how large the presents can be.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Why do most living beings sleep at night?

Living beings’ brains contain pineal glands, which secrete the hormone melatonin. The level of these hormones rises at night and is responsible for sleep. In daylight, the level of this hormone decreases, resulting in animals waking up from sleep. This is a cycle which operates throughout life and is known as ‘circadian rhythm’.

World’s first woman President......?

The world’s first woman President was Isabel Martinez Cartas de Peron of Argentina (born on February 4, 1931). She was the 38 th President of Argentina from 1974 to 1976. After her husband President Juan Peron died in office, Isabel served as President from July 1, 1974 to March 24, 1976.

The world’s first elected woman President was Vigdis Finnbogadsttir of Iceland, between 1980 and 1996.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Bio-senser Technology?

Bio-sensor technology utilizes enzymes & antibodies to identify sugars and proteins in body fluids, contaminating agents in air and gases in air. Commercially, its most popular avatar in the blood glucose bio-sensor which uses an enzyme to breakdown blood glucose. Thai scientists have almost developed a technology which uses bio-sensors to detect tuberculosis.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Which is the world's smallest car?

World's smallest car is the nanocar created by researchers of ice university. The car measures
4 nm x 3 nm. It is slightly wider than a strand of DNA. The human hair is about 80,000 nanometers thick. The car has a chassis, axles, and a pivoting suspension. The wheels are Buck-balls, spheres of pure carbon containing 60 atoms per piece.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Do You know about Transiting Planet.?

The transiting planet is one that moves across its parent star as seen from earth. TrES-4 is the plant orbiting a star in the Hercules Galaxy. TrES is greater than Jupiter.

A computer-generated simulation of TrES-4, with its host star on the right. The planet's home star is bigger and hotter than the Sun, and is about ten times larger than the planet. Astronomers speculate that the large size and low density of TrES-4 may cause a small fraction of its outer atmosphere to escape from the planet's gravitational pull and form an envelope, or a comet-like tail around the planet.

Which place is called Granite City?

Aberdeen is the third largest city of Scotland and is also known as Granite City. It is called so because nearly all its buildings are made up of pale granite that is quarried nearby.
Madison County, Illinois, USA, is also called Granite City.

We all know, Champagne is showered during celebration. Why?

Champagne, wine producing region in Northern France, is well known for its very special white-sparkling wine, which, over the centuries came to be called by the same name. In the early century, It was produced by French monks and they considered the wine holy. Around 496 AD, one of the kings of France was converted to Christianity, and his baptism ceremony took place in champagne region. During the ceremony the priests applied champagne wine on his body...Since then champagne, because or its bubbly and sparkling quality, has become the synonymous of joy, and people find it enjoyable and refreshing to spray it on one another during all types of ceremonies. Winning team also celebrate their victory by pouring champagne on one another.

In which range of the Himalayas, Kashmir is Located?

Kashmir is located in the "Pir Panjal Range".

Other Ranges: Dhaula Dhar range, Zanskar Range, Ladakh Range and East Korakoram range.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Atheletic Events are held in Counter-Clockwise Direction. Why?

We all know that the earth rotates in Anti-clockwise Direction. So, it is much easy to go around the Circle in Anti-clockwise direction during Athletic events.

Welcome to Dream Information.

I have started this blog on August 19, 2007...Sunday... and I want to thank Google and Blogger for proving me such kind of space..

In this blog, I will post Information.. that is related to General knowledge, and also interesting.

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